Wavemaker placement in reef tank
Wavemaker placement in reef tank

wavemaker placement in reef tank

Periodically parts may need to be replaced after prolonged use of the unit.

  • Choose a powerhead that you can order and replace the parts on.
  • Look for ease of cleaning to prevent restricted water flow, which in turn can lead to the unit burning out prematurely from overheating. The unwanted matter at times can enter the impeller area and needs to be removed.
  • Pick a powerhead that can be taken apart and put back together easily.
  • Be sure the powerhead you choose is saltwater safe!.
  • Choose a powerhead that is properly epoxy sealed and moisture proof to ensure no electrical leakage into the aquarium.
  • These units may cost a little more than the bargain brands, but worth the investment.

    wavemaker placement in reef tank

    Choose ones made by respected manufacturers, such as Hagen ( Aquaclear), Marineland ( Penguin), Aquarium Systems ( Maxi-Jet) and Rio ( read product reviews & compare prices), that are time-tested, reliable, and most likely won't burn out in a short period of time. Don't go with an off the wall brand name.Powerheads can help deter the growth of algae, as some types grow better in calmer, less turbulent water.The water movement and current provided by powerheads are a source of exercise for fish.Position them appropriately in your tank. Many corals and anemones do not do well in high current areas, while others thrive on good strong current. Water moving over the animals helps to carry oxygen to them, brings food to stationary animals, and stimulates animal activity. They aid in the health of the tank inhabitants.Powerhead circulation permits the majority of these particulates to be circulated or suspended, allowing them to be filtered out by a mechanical filter. They help to keep detritus and other tank matter from settling on the bottom of the tank.The more your tank water is circulated and filtered, the better the water quality is in the aquarium.Powerheads provide important water circulation and oxygenation in the aquarium, far more efficiently than the bubbles from air stones do.

    Wavemaker placement in reef tank